signed at the Covenant Service at St Wystan's on 11th January 2004 by representatives of the Church of England, Roman Catholic and United Reformed Church communities in Repton
On behalf of the Churches within Churches Together in Repton we acknowledge with thankfulness-
We believe we are called to deepen our life together in Christ, and to seek to offer to the world a united witness and a shared service. Therefore, as fellow pilgrims in faith, we commit ourselves to work together-
We believe that this commitment can be expressed in a variety of ways, and in particular through the life and work of Churches Together in Repton.
We pray that God will lead us, with all our sisters and brothers in Christ, so that we may
We make this covenant together on behalf of our churches and congregations in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The wording of the covenant is based on that signed at the Two Counties Ecumenical Service in Derby on 11th May 2003 by representatives of all the main Christian denominations in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.