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In December 2008 we received a faculty to proceed with the development of St Wystan's Church. The idea stemmed from the Parish Focus of 2000 - 2001, when over 100 people from the congregation and village took part in discussion groups. Our aim was to make the church more welcoming, not only for worship, for remembrance, for christenings, weddings and funerals, but also for community activities, concerts and festivals.
Repton Church Heritage Appeal
Patron, Rt Rev'd Humphrey Southern, Bishop of Repton
In April 2008, Canon Nicholas Henshall launched an appeal to fund phase 1 of the development (photos below). Emphasising that the church is there for the community as a whole, not just the congregation, he pointed out that the first known church - in Turkey - had an open courtyard for socialising, and two buildings on either side, one for worship and one for learning. The function of the church today should be the same, to provide worship, learning and hospitality. Unless it pays attention to all three, it will wither.
From the beginnings of this church in the early 700s, every century (that we know of) has brought change. For our part, we have sought to respond to the needs of the present whilst holding firm to that original purpose which Canon Henshall described. We have a beautiful setting for worship, but to cater for hospitality and learning requires inclusive access and proper amenities.
Designed by the architectural firm, Smith and Roper, the development was planned to be in two phases.
Phase 1 comprised better and more inclusive access to the church; toilets; a kitchen; a new storage area, and room at the heart of the church, for formal meetings, concerts, events and socialising.
Phase 2, which requires a second round of fund-raising, is in abeyance. It would see the creation of a meeting room in the base of the tower with a new ringing chamber above.
A ramped, oak floor within the porch has improved access to the church and is of particular help to those with mobility problems. The external doors remain the same, but glazed, oak inner doors are more welcoming, and mean that we no longer have to leave the door open in winter. In the centre aisle there is provision for wheelchairs and buggies. |
Kitchen and Toilets
A storage area has been created in the south-west corner, matching the kitchen / toilet area in style and materials.
Social and Meeting Area
By removing some pews, a large space has been created within the church. Furnished with chairs and tables, it is used by both the church and village community for meetings, gatherings, concerts, festivals, as well as for congregational seating when necessary. The overall capacity of the church has not changed significantly.
As custodians of a building of such historic importance and beauty, we have a responsibility to ensure that everything is of the very best. Wherever wood is needed, that has meant solid English oak. The development has been correspondingly expensive; phase 1 alone cost £240,000. Money came from bequests, donations from individuals and organisations both local and national, social events, metal recycling and sponsorship of the 'Brick Banner', which now hangs in the North Aisle.
Throughout the appeal there were regular fundraising events, raising in total over £50,000. They included a Magical Evening at Branston, Sunday Lunches on the Paddock in 2008 and 2009; Fashion with Colour & Style; a 10th Anniversary Organ Concert; an Autumn Ball in Pears School; a Beetle Drive; Arts Festivals in 2008 and 2009; two Bridge Days; Lunch with Rosemary Conley; Stainer's Crucifixion; St George's Day Musical Spectaculars in Burton Town Hall with Burton Concert Band in 2009 and 2010; a Flower Festival; Supper with Jazz, Spring into Fashion, and a Global Wining Evening.