PCC Members | PCC Officers | Sub-Committees |
. . . are the senior lay officers of the parish, legally responsible for church property. They are (re-)elected each year at the Annual Meeting of Parishioners, immediately before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) which takes place around the beginning of Lent, and usually serve for four years. All residents of the parish are eligible to vote.
. . . represent the parish on the Deanery Synod. They are elected at the APCM for a three year term, but (unlike PCC members) can be re-elected immediately when their term is up, and can serve as long as stamina permits.
. . . is the representative body of parishioners which supports and assists the vicar in the pastoral, ecumenical and social activities of the parish. Meetings take place roughly six times a year; minutes are displayed in the church, and major items are reported in the Parish Magazine. The vicar, churchwardens and deanery synod representatives are ex officio members. Others are elected at the APCM for a three year term, with a third retiring each year. Some members may be elected for one or two years only to replace people who have moved away.
Rev'd Martin Flowerdew*
Assistant Priest
Rev'd June Scott
Ruth Attwood and Stephen Longden
George Johnson
Members of the Deanery Synod: Elected 2017
Ruth Attwood, Richard Finch, Carol Lloyd, Wendy Mann and Jan Roberts*
PCC: Elected 2016 for 3 years
Jan Gillham, Martin Wimbush.
PCC: Elected 2017 for 2 years
Nick Parish
PCC: Elected 2017
Chris Crowley, Stephen Gould, Karen Perks
PCC: Elected 2018
Virginia Davis, Wendy Longden, Monica Westwood
PCC: Invited Observer
Gerald Gibbs
Chairman | Rev'd Martin Flowerdew | |
Lay Chairman | Stephen Longden | |
Churchwarden | George Johnson | |
Secretary | Karen Perks, The Grange, 16 Main St, Repton, Derbys (01283 702392) | |
Treasurer | Jan Roberts | |
Gift Aid Secretary | Simon Mann | |
Electoral Roll Officer | Karen Wells | |
Child Protection Officer | Wendy Mann | |
Health & Safety Officer | Wendy Mann | |
Village Hall Committee rep. | Martin Wimbush |