We aim to nurture our children in the Christian faith through fun, friendship, the bible, prayer and worship. Do come along - we would love to meet you.
Children of any age are welcome at all our services. Many of us are parents; we are well aware that there are times when babies cry and toddlers have tantrums, but as a parent there is no need at all to feel embarrassed. On the contrary, we are delighted to see both you and your children. A 'toy bag' is available from sidesmen to help them through the service.
The 9.45 service on the first Sunday of the month is designed for all ages. On other Sundays, children aged four to eleven go to the vestry during the second hymn for their own instruction and worship in Sunday Club, with music, drama, story, games and craft. We return during communion in time for a blessing at the altar rail.
At 4 pm on the fourth Sunday of the month, lots of children - as well as parents and adults - enjoy an afternoon of creativity and games, learning together about Jesus, and eating lots of sandwiches and cake. Contact Ruth Attwood to find out more.
Special children's services such as the Crib Service and Christingle Service mark the major festivals. There are also occasional children's workshops.